Smooth Sailing to Publication: How Authors, Editors, Proofreaders, and Designers Can Work Together

  • Wednesday, January 10, 2024
  • 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
  • 8001 Dale Ave. Richmond Heights, MO 63117

Smooth Sailing to Publication:

How Authors, Editors, Proofreaders, and Designers

Can Work Together
Presented by Ruth E. Thaler-Carter

Editor’s note: Planned January speaker Terese Messman will not be able to join us on January 10. SLPA's Communications Director and newsletter editor Ruth Thaler-Carter will step in. Here’s what she has to say about the session.

Both aspiring and established authors face a number of challenges on the road to getting published. It helps to know how to find and work with colleagues who can contribute to a high-quality result and steer you to success. In “Smooth Sailing to Publication: How Authors, Editors, Proofreaders, and Designers Can Work Together,” you’ll learn why every author needs those experts, how to find them, and how to work with them to create a book to be proud of.

No matter how experienced, every author needs an editor — we tend to be immersed in the writing process and our vision, and we know what we’re trying to say, so we can miss errors and clunky passages that an objective reader will notice. That’s where an editor comes in.

Some authors feel comfortable with moving a finished manuscript into design and layout, but readers are likely to respond better to a professional approach to that part of the publishing process. 

And once “the look of the book” is in place, it’s vital to have it reviewed by a proofreader, because errors and issues can sneak in during layout, even when working with a skilled and experienced designer.

At our January 10 meeting, I’ll provide tips on how to find the people needed to bring a book to life and work together to keep from sinking under stormy seas! 

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